Monday, March 5, 2012

Dynamic SSIS package configuration location at run time

I love package configurations.  They really simplify deploying SSIS packages. 

For this example, a SQL Server package configuration is used.  We have a package that imports data nightly from a text file into a SQL Server table.  The package has been created on my local server.  Here are the connection strings for the connections used by the package:

1.  Flat File Connection:  "myFlatFile"
2.  OLEDB Connection:  "MyDB"
Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=MyDB;Provider=SQLNCLI10.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Application Name=SSIS-DemoPackage-{86D8F799-4C46-4C1F-A0DD-50908FA54A04}(local).MyDB;Auto Translate=False;
3.  OLEDB Connection:  "ConfigDB"
(this is entered into the Expressions:  Connection String in the Properties of the connection)"Data Source=" + @[System::MachineName]   + ";Initial Catalog=SSISConfigurations;Provider=SQLNCLI10.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Auto Translate=False;"
Now, for the package configuration, right-click on the Design area of your package and choose "Package Configurations".  The Package Configurations Organizer will appear.  Check the box for "Enable package configurations" and click Add.  The wizard will appear.  Here are the values for this demo:

On the next screen, expand each of your connections and check "Connection String" for each (for the purposes of this demo; you may want to choose additional elements as well). 

The last step is to name and save your configuration. 

Now - in the SSISConfigurations table in my local SSISConfigurations database, here are the values.  Note that in the ConfiguredValue column for the ConfigDB package connection, my machine name was put into the connection string by the dynamic connection string I used above.

When you deploy this package to another server (let's call it "SQLPROD"), all you have to do is import the data from the SSISConfigurations table into a database/table of the same name on SQLPROD.  Then you simply change the strings on SQLPROD to reflect the server name, like so:

And that's it!

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